Ohh my.. It was very fun having BBQ party at Audrey's house.. We had a lot of fun.. Let me tell the summary of our classmate outing.. On wednesday, i take 3.30pm train to meet Beh, Andy, Shan, Jessie, Kaya n Audrey at KL Central cause i supppose to meet them there at 4.30pm. (Train frm Rawang to KL Central took almost 1 hour).. I arrived at 4.45pm and i thought i would be late.. My gudness.. They arrived later than me.. At 5.20pm. Its ok for me cause i use to it to wait for people. Then, we went down to lower level to take bus to Shah Alam, Audrey's house.. It took us almost 1 hour to wait for the bus and plus it was rush hour time.. (people going back home after work).. We squeeze into the bus like a tin of sardines.. Holy crap.. Kaya gets her seats whereas the 6 of us standing. It was nt dat much of people at KL Central, but, when the bus stop at Pasar Seni, my gudness... Only GOD knows how jammed it was in the bus.. The people at Pasar Seni stops, did not even wait for the people to come out and they just rushed in.. Everybody was pushing n squeezing around.. Audrey who is for me known as 'taufu' and fragile, shocked me.. She actually pushed and squeeze to get to behind to find a seat.. It shocked me because she hates being squeeze by people and smell the 'air freshner'.. (people body odour'.. LOL.. In the end, It was Ah Beh, Audrey, Shan and Kaya get seats, while me, Jessie n Andy stands.. I feel pity for Andy cause the location he stands wasnt dat 'strategic' cause he was surounded by 'black foreigners'.. While me n Jessie, we squeeze into the corner where the emergency door located.. Shit!! At there i was being squeeze by a stupid dupid man.. The more i moved in, the more he gets in.. Jessie told me to do the irratating sound to signal the man not to go any closer.. I couldnt do it as i knw the bus is really jammed and crapped with people.. We arrived an hour later.. As soon as we got down, I ask Audrey, 'how do you go on everyday like this? If i were you, i rather stay outside than going on everyday like this..' It was a really tiring journey.. Even so, i still feel happy cause im with my friends..
While we were on our way to Audrey house, we passed by a huge house where there was a guard in the house.. Ah Beh telling me dat was her house, i was freaking shocked to look at the house cause i damn believe it was her house, but in the meantime, i was wondering, does her house has bodyguard? Then oni i suspect they were lying as i see Audrey started to laughed.. Later we did arrived at Audrey 'real house'.. The first thing we did was greet her mom who was busy preparing behind.. And then, we all start the fire as it was already quit late.. The job who was suppose a guy does, was done by me, which is carrying the bricks and start fire. Whereas the job who were suppose girl does such as washing, was done by Ah Beh.. Hahaha.. World really does turn around this time.. Later on, Annrene arrives with her dearest boyfriend Joel and friend, Donovan.. All of us helping hands in order to to get the bbq start immediatly.. At last.. BBQ starts!!! We were having a lot of funs.. Audrey's frens Rachel and Prisca arrived too.. It was fun as we get to knw them.. BBQ ends at 1.00am.. We all help out to cleaned all the things, so dat we can get to sleep earlier cause we hav to wake up at 7.00am the following day.. After bath and all dat, we rest in the room with the air-cond filling the room.. suddenly the aircond stops. We wondered why.. We try to fixed it, but we ended up sweating. So, we had to sleep without air-cond. It was freaking hot that nite.. We were suppose to sleep early, but we cant help ourself frm talking and chatting.. LOL.. We r girls.. Especially after switch off the lights.. Our chatting become more.. At last, everybody fall asleep without knowing..
The following day, I wake at 6.45am.. Thanks to Audrey. Her phone alarm rang and i thought it was 7.00am, plus she wake up and disappeared.. I wake up and i went to Beh rooms to see whether they wake up or not. It seems dat they oready get ready.. I thought i was late, so i went to take my bath and wake Kaya n Annrene up.. When i looked at the clock, it was oni 7.15am.. I wake too early.. After finish, i continue my sleep and suddenly the air-cond functioning.. Holy crap!!! we were freaking hot last nite.. And i ended up sleep oni 2 hours.. Thanks to our unstoppable pillow talk..
We arrive at Sunway bout 10 sumthing.. We went to purchased the ticket and the first thing we played was the spinning cup.. My gudness, luckily i didnt sat at the same cup with Ah Beh.. He spun the cup so fast, until they get dizzy.. I wanted to play the 360 degree turn, but no 1 wants to join me.. A lot of extreme game i didnt get to play.. Oh... By the way, Audrey friend, Prisca, join us later.. We played a lot of game and we even compete.. Most of the time, my partner either Kaya o Prisca.. I found out that Prisca is a very extreme person and loves challenge.. LOL.. I thought im the one who is brave n love extreme, it seems dat she is more extreme than me.. Happy to know her.. After played almost every thing, i think i hav reached my limit of energy.. And oohh.. I stil managed to get spray tattoo.. I was freaking tired.. Everybody seems energetic to hav a walked at Sunway pyramid.. While me, i just wnt 2 find a place to hav my dinner and after dat, went straight bck home.. Beh, Jessie, Shan n Andy went to eat at McDonalds, while me, Prisca, Kaya n Audrey, we went to Sushi Zanmai to eat.. LOL.. We are more at classic sides.. I was damn tired, but looking at the food makes my energy comes back at 10%.. I ate 2 plate of sushi n Ekoden.. Prisca treat us with sashimi.. LOL.. Too bad im not vry good at enjoying sashimi.. Anyway, thanks Prisca!!! After dinner, i wanted to head bck home as i was rely tired at the time.. I reached home at about 11.. As soon as i reached home, coincidencely, my uncle came, and i hav to gav away my room to him and his wife.. I ended up sleep in the living room, on the floor.. The following day, i fall sick and my whole body aching.. It feels like end of the world to me as the pain was unbearable.. I cant sleep at all.. Luckily they hav left today, n i get bck my room and i sleep for almost a day.. This is wat happen when u dnt get enough sleep and dnt get a nice sleep..